The creation of educational modules developed in (WP3) has to be preceded by, and based on scientific research. This is necessary due to differences in systems and cultures between the three collaborating countries IKIC Public Safety operates in. The systems are shaped by the laws and regulations of their respective countries, which are diverse. It is therefore paramount to research what these differences are and how they affect cross-border cooperation. This constitutes a main aim of the work package Scientific Research (WP2).
The work package Module Development (WP3) aims to improve and develop cooperation of professionals, administrative and political personnel through education in the emergency systems of other countries. Learning modules will be made available via a digital platform and incorporated in the curriculum of recognised educational institutes. This work package relies on input gained within the work package 'scientific research (WP2)' and from the experiences of schools and educational institutions.
These two work groups are led by Maastricht University, in the Netherlands.